St. David’s, Clarence Town


Clarence Town Presbyterian Church
29 Marshall Street, Clarence Town
Pastor: Rev Allan D. Welch

Service Times: 10am Every Sunday

From the pulpit we are well into our series on Paul’s letter to the Philippians, where we are encouraged by the magnificent joy we find in being part of the fellowship of the Gospel!

Mainly Music (every Wed), SRE (Fri) and Growth Groups (Tue evenings – Bible study on Philippians currently) are all well underway again. Giving thanks to God for a new SRE teacher at Clarence Town Public School – welcome aboard Bruce!

The service leader training day went well on 3 July with participants discussing what it takes to be a good service leader. Then there was the Basecamp men’s conference on 3rd August at UNSW Sydney. The theme was Building Brotherhood. Do you have someone you can call at 3am when things are rough? It was a great reminder for us blokes that as image bearers, we too are made for relationships. The more we can imbibe the brotherhood of Jesus, the more we will be able to have a brotherhood with others who will always be there for you!

The Teaching and Training for Women event is on at CTPC on Sat 14th September 9am-1pm.The theme this year is ‘Reading for Meaning.’ Please contact Leanne Welch for details 0428 549 792.

The men’s Recharge event is on again this year (Sat 14th Sep, 9am-3pm – Grace Evangelical Church, Glendale). This year’s theme ‘How does the cross reinvent where power is found?’ Please contact Allan for details and car-pooling if needed: 0402 387 690 or visit recharge for further info.

“And what does the LORD require of you? To do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

In Christ,

Rev Allan D. Welch 0402 387 690

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